Friday 17 January: Eckhart Tolle Discussion Group at 12:30 – 1:30 pm
Join us at the Meeting House for an informal discussion of the writings of Eckhart Tolle.
Sunday 19 January at 10:30 am in the Meeting House: “The Rosy Cross”
Join us for Kris’s first service of 2025, on the theme of “The Rosy Cross”, with musical offerings on piano by Robyn Filmer. Tea and Coffee to follow. All are welcome!
A New Year’s Message from SA Unitarians:
Keep fighting for the good. Keep showing up. Keep loving. Keep giving back. Keep being kind. Keep being brave. Keep caring. Keep trying new things. Keep showing grace. Keep on. This world needs you to believe in the good.
Sunday, 29 December at 10:30 am: Social Morning Tea – not a service, just a chance to chat!
Join us for an informal social gathering with tea and coffee.
Office closed Friday 3 January (and on all Public Holidays)
Christmas Eve Carol Service at Shady Grove, 24 December at 5:00 pm
Led by the Rev Jo Lane and followed by a shared meal. Bring a plate for the shared meal afterward, if you can stay for it. Please note weather cancellation policy below*. Contact the office to get directions (don’t trust Google Maps). *Fire or Severe Weather: If you are planning to attend a service or event […]
Christmas Eve Informal Service at Meeting House, 24 December at 8:30 pm
Kris will lead an informal gathering. All are welcome!
Bushcare and Morning Tea at Shady Grove, Wednesday 18 December at 9:00 and 11:00 am
Join us for an optional 2 hour bushcare session starting 9 am (weather permitting) and a Festive Morning Tea at 11 am to celebrate our year’s accomplishments. All are welcome! Bushcare will be cancelled if high temperature forecast >30 degrees and all events will be cancelled for the following: *Fire or Severe Weather: If you are […]
Meditation, Wednesday 18 December, 7:00-8:00 pm, at the Meeting House
Join us for meditation in the Meeting House – now offered on first and third Wednesdays each month. This will be the last session before we take a break over January.
Shady Grove Bushcare Wednesday 11 December, 9:00am to 1:00pm – weather permitting
Join us in caring for a precious piece of Adelaide Hills woodland, weather permitting. The session will be cancelled if there are any severe weather warnings, or if the predicted high temperature is 30 C or above. Contact church office for details.