We look forward to welcoming you to join us for our regular gatherings. These include:
Weekly services held at our Norwood meeting house at 99 Osmond Terrace, Norwood, at 10.30 am Sundays. Services typically last for about an hour, followed by a social hour with coffee and tea provided. Services are generally led by our Minister, Kris Hanna, and occasionally led by guests or church members.
Monthly vesper services at our Shady Grove Chapel are held on the first Sunday of every month (except January), at either 4 or 5 pm, depending on the season. These are conducted by members of the congregation, visiting speakers, or the Minister. Services are followed by a shared, bring-a-plate meal. Shady Grove is situated in the Adelaide Hills in native bushland at the end of Tadmor Lane which intersects Shady Grove Road, between Littlehampton and Balhannah.
Meditation sessions are held at the Norwood Meeting House twice a month.
For dates and times, see Meditation.
Unitarian House, 99 Osmond Terrace, Norwood.
Shady Grove chapel, Tadmor Lane, Littlehampton.
Though individual services may vary in content and order, our Sunday services generally have these components:
For a schedule of this month’s service topics, please refer to our current newsletter.r
There is a growing archive of audio podcasts of recent service addresses accessible at our Expanding Horizons site.
We have created a closed Facebook group for creating and maintaining informal connections between our members, called SA Unitarians Coffee Hour. You DO need a Facebook account to participate in the Facebook group.
Unitarian Meeting House
99 Osmond Terrace
Norwood SA 5067