Combined Service at Shady Grove, 4 August, 11:30 am (No Norwood Service)

Kris Hanna will lead the service with an address on “More Stories from the Czech Unitarians”. Shady Grove is well worth driving the extra kilometres! If you wish to ride-share, please contact Mary in the office. You are invited to bring a plate of lunch to share after the service. Please note fire/severe weather policy below*. If this policy is invoked, this service will take place at Norwood at 10:30 instead.


*Fire or Severe Weather: If you are planning to attend a service or event at Shady Grove, please check the weather forecast for Mt Barker. The forecast is accessible the night before on, or the ABC News. If the forecast is for Extreme or Catastrophic fire danger, or a Severe Weather warning, the event will be cancelled.